Collaborating Academics

The Amo Institute is an independent organisation of collaborating students and academics affiliated with renowned universities in Europe. The Amo Institute contributes to authoritative knowledge and education for anyone who is interested, especially students, academics and professionals. It contributes to knowledge and education through its online encyclopedic dictionaries in the fields Law, Economics, Business, Political studies, History, Psychology and other Social sciences and Humanities.

The Director is Mr. Filip J. Van Eeckhoutte LL.M..

Based on profound research and effort the Amo Institute produces several online reference works in the fields mentioned above.

The Amo Institute is now organizing means to introduce the online European Law Dictionary early 2019. The website and mobile application ( will disclose free of charge definitions and explanations of EU-law and law that is commonly applicable in most European countries.

If you're interested in academic research, join our team and apply to become a Researcher or Head of Research. Click here!

Since deeplinks to statutory provisions are added, the Amo Dutch law Encyclopedic Dictionary is even more useful to students. At the same time this is exactly the added value of an online dictionary over a traditional one on paper. The users always have the latest version at their disposal, and the use of links to other relevant materials saves them a lot of leafing through voluminous books (that are in se not entirely up to date). Also, the relations between the terms provide a structure of knowledge, which may be of considerable doctrinal value.

"As the the Amo Institute's databases becomes larger and the websites attracts more visitors, also the expectations are raised. We gradually moved from the pioneering phase to a professional phase, where sponsors will be needed." M. van der Linden-Smith Ph.D., co-author of the Amo Law Encyclopedic Dictionary

The Amo Institute (formerly known als 'Lycaeus') is no new kid on the block. It first developed the Dutch Law Dictionary in 2001 (, the biggest explanatory law dictionary in the Netherlands. It contains an extensive glossary covering most legal jargon with definitions and elaborated explanations. The Dutch Law Dictionary is compiled by an editorial staff and mainly visited by students, academics and professionals. It has since been adapted for mobile use.